Should a Chainsaw Blade Get Hot? Get The Answer
Have you ever been using your chainsaw, making a cut, and then noticed the blade getting really hot? You might be wondering if that’s normal or if you’re doing something wrong.
In this blog post, we’ll discuss whether or not a chainsaw blade should get hot and what you can do to prevent it from happening. Stay safe out there, woodworkers!
Should a Chainsaw Blade Get Hot?
Yes, a chainsaw blade does get hot. As a matter of fact, it’s quite normal for the chainsaw blade to reach temperatures of 70 degrees Fahrenheit (depending on the type of wood). This heat won’t damage the blade or surrounding material if used correctly and with the proper equipment.
However, if the blade is getting too hot and at the same time it is producing smoke then there is something wrong. Under such conditions, you should stop the saw and investigate the issue properly to avoid damaging the tool.
Let’s take a look at some interesting things and see how hot a chainsaw blade gets during the cutting process and how hot is too hot for the blade.
Read on!
What Makes the Chainsaw Blade Get Hot?
Whenever a chainsaw is cutting something, it’s producing a lot of friction. The heat generated from this friction is what makes the blade hot. This is especially true when cutting through hardwood, as the blade has to work harder and generate more friction in order to cut through it.
This heat produced due to friction is basically a function of the wood type that is being cut by the saw. For example, when cutting hardwood like Oak or Maple you should expect the temperature to be around 40 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. While softwoods like produces temperature ranging from 35 to 55 degree Fahrenheit.
In other words, both are wood types but the former requires the blade to do more work which then produces more friction. The latter requires less work and as a result, creates less heat. I hope you have learned the main reason why the chainsaw blade gets hot.
How Hot is Too Hot for the Chainsaw Blade?
Different saws have different tolerances for heat, so it’s difficult to give an exact temperature at which a blade is too hot.
Generally speaking, if the blade gets too hot that it starts smoking or produces a bad odor then there is something wrong and you should immediately stop using your saw.
The smoke and odors indicate that either the oiling system of your chainsaw isn’t working properly or there might be some other issue.
You should also pay attention to how quickly the blade heats up during cutting as this can indicate an issue with your chainsaw as well. If your blade reaches temperatures above 70 degrees Fahrenheit too quickly, then this could be a sign of an underlying issue.
Reasons Why a Chainsaw Blade Might Overheat
Ok, so far I told you that it is possible for the blades of the chainsaw to get hot during the process.
Obviously, we can’t completely neutralize that heat production. However, if the blade is getting abnormally hot then it isn’t just friction. There’s something that needs to be checked and fixed.
During my research, I found the following main reasons behind the abnormally high heat production of the blade.
1. The Oiling System of the Saw isn’t Working Properly
There is an extra oil reservoir that contains oil for the bar guide of the saw. It provides oil and keeps the bar and chain lubricated when cutting. The oil basically absorbs the heat produced due to friction whenever the saw is cutting something.
If the oiling system isn’t working as it should, then the oil won’t get to the bar guide. If there’s no oil to absorb heat, then eventually the blade will overheat and produce a burning smell. In extreme cases, it may even start smoking.
2. The Blade Might Be Dull
A dull chainsaw blade won’t cut the wood as easily and will therefore require more effort to cut through it, which in turn produces a lot of friction and heat. If your blade isn’t cutting as well as it used to, then you should sharpen it right away.
This is because a dull blade does less work and wastes a lot of energy. It also puts too much stress on the engine of the saw which reduces the life of the saw and makes it unsafe for use.
Therefore, make sure to sharpen your blade regularly so that it can work at peak efficiency.
3. The Chain isn’t Properly Tensioned
One of the most common reasons why a chainsaw blade may overheat is because the chain isn’t properly tensioned. A loose chain will cause more friction, which in turn will produce more heat.
On the other hand, if the chain is too tight then it won’t be able to move freely and this also results in more friction and heat production. Therefore, make sure to keep your chain properly tensioned at all times for optimal performance.
4. Too Much Pressure Applied While Cutting
Another possible reason why your chainsaw blade might be getting abnormally hot is due to the pressure applied while cutting. If you’re pushing down too hard on the saw, then this will result in more friction and therefore more heat production.
Therefore, make sure to apply just enough pressure so that it doesn’t cause any harm or damage to the chain. This way you can ensure that your blade does not overheat and lasts longer.
Besides that, applying too much pressure while cutting also increases the risk of a chainsaw kickback. This is a very dangerous situation and serious injuries can occur due to kickbacks.
5. High-Speed Settings on the Chainsaw
High-speed settings on the chainsaw can also result in excessive heat production from the blade. This is because when you increase the speed, it produces more friction and heat between the chain and bar guide.
Therefore, if your saw has an adjustable speed setting then make sure to use a lower setting depending on what type of material you’re cutting.
Preventing a Chainsaw Blade from Getting Too Hot
There are a few simple steps you can take to keep your chainsaw blade from getting too hot:
1. Keep the Oil Reservoir Filled
Make sure to always check and top off the oil reservoir as required. This will help keep the bar and chain lubricated, which reduces friction and heat production while cutting.
2. Maintain Proper Chain Tension
Regularly check your chainsaw’s chain tension to make sure it is neither too tight nor too loose. If it’s too tight then loosen it a bit; if it’s too loose, tighten it accordingly.
3. Don’t Push Too Hard When Cutting
It is important to not push down on the saw when cutting in order to prevent excessive heat production from occurring. Just use enough pressure so that it can get through whatever material you are cutting.
4. Keep the Blade Sharpened
A sharp blade is more efficient at cutting and produces less heat while doing so. Therefore, make sure to sharpen your blades regularly in order to keep them working optimally.
5. Avoid High-Speed Settings When Possible
Avoid using high-speed settings on your chainsaw whenever possible as this will cause excessive friction and heat production from the blade.
If you need to use a higher speed setting, then make sure it’s only for short intervals of time and that you take regular breaks afterward in order to allow the saw to cool down.
Following these simple steps can help ensure that your chainsaw blade does not overheat and lasts longer too!
Bottom line: Should a Chainsaw Blade Get Hot?
Chainsaw blades can overheat for a variety of reasons, some of which are preventable. By following the simple steps listed above, you can help keep your chainsaw blade functioning at its best and prevent it from overheating.
Remember to always check the oil level in the reservoir, maintain proper chain tension, apply just enough pressure while cutting, and use lower speed settings when possible. Additionally, make sure to sharpen your blade regularly for optimal performance.
Doing all this can help ensure that your chainsaw blade does not overheat and lasts longer. With these tips, you can be sure that your chainsaw is a safe and efficient tool for all of your cutting needs!