Can I Use a Circular Saw to Cut Tree Roots?

Tree roots can be a serious problem for many homeowners. If you have trees on your property, it’s important to understand how to manage the roots properly to avoid problems. One common question that most people ask is; can I use a circular saw to cut tree roots?

A circular saw blade can be used to cut tree roots depending on how thick the roots are and what size blade you are using. In case of thick roots, the saw may take several passes to cut through them.

Although a circular saw is one of the most powerful power saws out there, it may still not be enough in some situations. This is because it has certain limitations due to which it can’t work in every situation.

In this article, I will tell you whether a circular saw can be used to cut tree roots or not. Besides that, I will also tell you about all the dos and don’ts of using a circular saw to cut tree roots.

Furthermore, I’ve included a number of fascinating subjects in this post, and I strongly encourage you to read it all the way through.

Can I Use a Circular Saw to Cut Tree Roots (2)

Can You Use a Circular Saw to Cut Tree Roots?

As I mentioned earlier, it depends on the situation because a circular saw has some limitations beyond which it can’t work (1).

The first limitation is the depth of cut. A standard circular saw can only make cuts that are about 1/4th of its blade’s diameter. This might not be enough to cut through some tree roots.

In such cases, you would need a larger blade or multiple passes with a smaller blade. The last limitation is the power of the saw. A weak or underpowered saw will struggle to cut through tough tree roots.

So, if you’re wondering whether you can use a circular saw to cut tree roots or not, the answer is; it depends on the situation.

Also Read: What to Do with Old Circular Saw Blades?

What Size Circular Saw Should I Use to Cut Tree Roots?

Selecting the right circular saw size is important and there are two factors that must be considered before deciding on a saw size. The first is the depth of the cut, and the second is the power of the saw.

As I mentioned earlier, a standard circular saw can only make cuts that are about 1/4th of its blade’s diameter. So, if you’re trying to cut through roots that are thicker than that, you would need a larger blade or multiple passes with a smaller blade (2).

The second factor is the power of the saw. A weak or underpowered saw will struggle to cut through tough tree roots. If you have a powerful enough saw, you might be able to get away with using a smaller blade.

So, when deciding on what size circular saw to use, you must consider the depth of cut and the power of the saw.

How Do I Cut Tree Roots With a Circular Saw?

If you’ve decided that using a circular saw is the best option for cutting tree roots, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

The first is to make sure that the saw is properly calibrated. A misaligned or dull blade can cause serious problems while cutting.

Next, you need to select the right blade for the job. As I mentioned earlier, the size of the blade depends on the depth of the cut and the power of the saw.

Once you’ve selected the right blade, you need to make sure that it’s installed properly. A loose blade can cause the saw to kick back, which can be dangerous.

Finally, you need to use the right technique while cutting. Be sure to keep your hands away from the blade and use a firm grip on the saw. cut through the roots slowly and evenly to avoid binding.

Cutting tree roots with a circular saw can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. Be sure to follow all safety precautions and use the proper techniques to avoid accidents.

A Powerful circular saw cutting through lumber

What Size Circular Saw Blade Do You Need to Cut Tree Roots?

As we talked about in the last section, the size of the blade will determine how deep of a cut you can make. In general, you’ll need a larger blade to cut through thicker tree roots.

A standard circular saw has a blade that is about 7-1/4 inches in diameter. This might be enough to cut through some thinner tree roots. However, if the roots are thicker, you’ll need a larger blade.

The next step up would be an 8-1/4 inch blade. This should be able to cut through most tree roots without any problem. If the roots are still too thick, you can try using a 10-inch blade.

Keep in mind that these blades are significantly larger and will require a more powerful saw to use them. If you’re using a standard circular saw, it’s best to stick with a smaller blade.

Can You Use a Circular Saw to Cut Tree Roots Without Digging Them Up First?

In general, it’s not a good idea to try and cut tree roots without first digging them up. The reason for this is that tree roots are tough and can easily damage the blade of your saw.

Furthermore, tree roots tend to be intertwined and can quickly cause the blade to become stuck. If this happens, you’ll likely damage the blade as you try to free it.

It’s much better to dig up the roots first and then use a saw to cut them. This will give you a better chance of avoiding damage to your saw and make the job go much faster.

If you’re trying to remove tree roots from your property, it’s best to consult with a professional. They will have the right equipment and experience to get the job done quickly and safely.

What Are the Dos and Don’ts of Using a Circular Saw to Cut Tree Roots?

Now that we’ve gone over the basics of using a circular saw to cut tree roots, let’s talk about some dos and don’ts. Following these tips will help you avoid damage to your saw and make the job go much smoother.

One of the most important things to do is to make sure that the saw is properly lubricated . This will help protect the blade and prevent it from becoming stuck in the roots.

It’s also important to use a sharp blade. A dull blade will struggle to cut through the roots and is more likely to become stuck. If you’re having trouble cutting through the roots, it’s best to stop and sharpen the blade before continuing.

Another thing to keep in mind is that tree roots can be very tough on saw blades. As such, it’s best to use a blade that is designed for cutting through tough materials.

Finally, make sure to wear proper safety gear when using a circular saw. This includes eye protection, gloves, and earplugs.

Is It Recommended To Cut Tree Roots with a Circular Saw?

As I already mentioned, a circular saw is capable of cutting through tree roots easily. However, I would still not recommend using it for such purposes. Do you want to know why? it is because a circular saw is not designed to cut tree roots.

Trying to cut tree roots with a circular saw can damage the blade and cause the saw to become stuck. It’s much better to use a saw that is designed for cutting through tough materials.

If you’re looking for a tool that can quickly and easily remove tree roots from your property, I recommend using a reciprocating saw. These are quite powerful in nature and can cut through various materials without any issue at all.


Can I use a circular saw to cut tree roots? 

Yes, a circular saw can be used to cut tree roots in some situations. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before doing so. First, make sure that the saw is properly lubricated and that the blade is sharp.

Second, use a blade that is designed for cutting through tough materials. And finally, wear proper safety gear when using the saw. Following these tips will help you avoid damage to your saw and make the job go much smoother. Thanks for reading!

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