Can I Use a Smaller Blade on My Circular Saw? – Discover!

Many people find themselves in need of a circular saw for various projects but aren’t sure if they should buy the smaller or larger blade. They soon find themselves asking a common question on different forums i.e. can I use a smaller blade on my circular saw?

Yes, smaller blades can be used on circular saws as long as the arbor hole of the blade matches the arbor size of the saw. Apart from that, the only thing you need to consider is the depth of the cut. 

Smaller blades can be used for making shallow cuts while larger blades are better suited for making deep cuts. If you’re still not sure which size blade to get, then read on for more information on each type of blade.

Smaller Blades:

Can I Use a Smaller Blade on My Circular Saw_ (2)


  1. Smaller blades are cheaper than larger blades.
  2. They’re also lighter and easier to maneuver, which is ideal for when you need to make precise cuts.
  3. Another advantage of using a smaller blade is that it produces fewer vibrations, which means your hands won’t get as tired when using it.


  1. The main disadvantage of using a smaller blade is that it has a shorter lifespan than a larger blade. This is because the teeth on the smaller blade are more likely to wear down quickly.
  2. Smaller blades also have a tendency to heat up faster than larger blades, so you’ll need to be careful not to overheat the blade while you’re using it.

Larger Blades:


  1. The biggest advantage of using a larger blade is that it can make deeper cuts than a smaller blade. If you need to make a deep cut, then a larger blade is definitely the way to go.
  2. Larger blades also have a longer lifespan than smaller blades since the teeth on the blade are less likely to wear down quickly.
  3. Another advantage of using a larger blade is that it stays cooler for longer, so you don’t have to worry about overheating the blade while you’re using it.


  1. The main disadvantage of using a larger blade is that it’s more expensive than a smaller blade.
  2. Larger blades are also heavier and more difficult to maneuver, which can make precise cuts more difficult to achieve.
  3. Another downside of using a larger blade is that it produces more vibrations, which can make your hands feel more tired after using it.

Those were some of the main pros and cons of using smaller and larger blades. Now you might be interested in learning about whether or not you can use a smaller blade on your circular saw and what will be the consequences if you happen to use one.

different circular saw blades

Can I Use a Smaller Blade on My Circular Saw?

As mentioned earlier, yes, you can use smaller blades on your circular saw as long as the arbor holes are the same size. However, there are a few things that you need to know when it comes to using smaller blades.

First and foremost, you need to be aware of the depth of the cut. Smaller blades are not meant for making deep cuts and if you try to force them, you will likely damage the blade. If you only need to make shallow cuts, then a smaller blade will suffice.

Another thing to keep in mind is that smaller blades tend to overheat faster than larger blades. This is because there’s less surface area for the heat to dissipate. As a result, you’ll need to be careful not to overuse the blade or risk damaging it.

Finally, smaller blades have a shorter lifespan than larger blades. This is because the teeth on the blade are more likely to wear down quickly. If you use your blade frequently, then you’ll need to replace it more often than if you only use it occasionally.

What Will Happen if I Use a Smaller Blade on My Circular Saw?

Now that you know all of that, you might be wondering what will happen if you use a smaller blade on your circular saw. The good news is that most of the time, nothing bad will happen. However, there are a few things that you need to watch out for.

Sometimes, the smaller blade may not be suitable for the job that you are working on. Thus it may bind or break. If this happens, it can cause serious injury to you or damage to your saw.

Another thing that can happen is that the smaller blade may overheat quickly and this can damage the blade. As a result, it’s important to be careful not to overuse the blade or you may end up damaging it.

You might be wondering why smaller blades get heated up quickly as compared to larger ones. Well, the answer is simple. As the size of the blade decreases, the RPM increases. This in turn causes more friction and heat build-up.

When Should I Use a Smaller Blade on My Circular Saw?

So you’ve learned that it is actually possible to use a smaller blade on your circular saw and you know what will happen if you use one. But when should you actually use a smaller blade?

The answer to this question depends on the depth of cut that you need to make. If you only need to make shallow cuts, then a smaller blade is definitely the way to go. However, if you need to make deep cuts, then you should use a larger blade.

Apart from that, if a smaller blade is all that you got then you can use it as you are not left with any other choice. However, in such cases, you will need to switch sides when cutting thicker material such as a 4×4. This is because the smaller blade will not be able to cut through the entire thickness in one go.

So those were some of the things that you need to know about using a smaller blade on your circular saw. Just remember to be careful when using one and you should be fine.

Can you use a 7-inch blade on a 10-inch saw?

You can use a 7-inch blade on a 10-inch circular saw, but there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. First and foremost, the depth of the cut will be limited to 2-3 inches. Secondly, the smaller blade will overheat quickly, so you’ll need to be careful not to overuse it. Finally, the blade will have a shorter lifespan than a larger one.

Can you use any blade in a circular saw?

a circular saw resting after job

No, you cannot use any blade in a circular saw. The blade that you use needs to be compatible with the saw. If it is not, then it can cause damage to the saw or serious injury to you. Always make sure to check the compatibility of the blade before using it.

By compatibility I mean, the blade must be fully adjusted in the saw. The arbor size of the blade and the saw should be exactly the same and the blade shouldn’t wobble when you put it in.

If the blade is not compatible with the saw, then it can cause the saw to bind or break. Apart from that, it can also ruin the workpiece that you want to cut as we all know precision and accuracy are the key requirements for most woodworking projects especially when there is joinery involved.

Even a small amount of wobble can cause the blade to cut inaccurately and this is why you should always make sure that the blade is compatible with the saw. Otherwise, it’s just a waste of time and money.

How do I choose the right circular saw blade?

When choosing a circular saw blade, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. First and foremost, you need to know the size of the blade that you need. The size of the blade will be determined by the depth of cut that you need to make.

Apart from that, you also need to take into account the type of material that you will be cutting. If you will be cutting softwood, then you will need a different blade than if you were cutting hardwood.

Finally, you also need to consider the thickness of the material that you will be cutting. If you are cutting thick material, then you will need a different blade than if you were cutting thin material. Keep all of these things in mind and you should be able to choose the right circular saw blade for your needs.

However, if you are interested in learning more about circular saw blades, then I suggest you to read my ultimate guide to circular saw blades.

Final Words

If you’ve made it this far, you will have got an answer to your question i.e. Can I Use a Smaller Blade on My Circular Saw? The answer is yes, you can but there are a few things that you need to keep in mind.

Things such as the blade depth, the amount of work and heat it can withstand, whether the arbor of the blade and the saw match or not, and finally the compatibility of the blade with the saw. These are all the necessary factors that will determine whether or not you can use a smaller blade on a circular saw.

I hope you’ve found this article helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions on your mind. I will be more than happy to answer them.

Thanks for reading!


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